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How do I get paid for the extra energy my system produces?

By |2022-06-08T12:39:25+08:00June 8, 2022||

This is called a feed-in-tariff and is handled by your electrical company, which monitors the amount of energy you consume and provide. A net feed-in-tariff is the most common type in Australia and appears as a credit in your electrical bill. Note that for most people, who are still connected [...]

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Do I have to insure my solar panels?

By |2022-06-08T12:39:13+08:00June 8, 2022||

Solar panels are a permanent fixture for your home once they are installed. They’re certainly not something that you can take with you to a new home if you move. But that said, because they are part of your home, they should be covered by your homeowner’s insurance. To ensure [...]

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Do solar installations come with a warranty of their own?

By |2022-11-10T20:40:26+08:00June 8, 2022||

Most systems are backed with a 10-year warranty for parts, which is provided by the manufacturer. Another feature of a solar contract is that they’ll also assure of how much power you can expect your system to produce. If you find that the figures are dropping, you may need maintenance [...]

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