
SPECIALS $229 Ceiling Fan Replacement & 2.5KW Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Split System Aircon Valued at $1895 SPECIALS

How can I tell if my repair is an actual emergency?

By |2022-11-10T20:39:25+08:00June 8, 2022||

A broken ceiling fan can certainly feel like an emergency during a sweltering summer, but it’s likely that you can wait until morning to call out for assistance. When it comes to determining if a repair is a true emergency, look for these signs: Burnt smells Flickering lights Smoke Hot [...]

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Can I replace a light fixture or ceiling fan myself?

By |2022-06-08T12:16:40+08:00June 8, 2022||

While you can head to the home improvement store and pick out a fixture to your liking, you’re going to want to leave the installation of the new fixture to professional electricians. Replacing a fixture can be a complex job that requires cutting the power, proper disconnection of wiring, correct [...]

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