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Is anything not included in electrical maintenance?

By |2022-06-08T11:09:26+08:00June 8, 2022||

If it's electrical or electric powered, it should be considered and evaluated as part of a maintenance plan. This can include everything from small outlets in a kitchen to full-home generators. Electrics also affect a variety of lighting systems and digital communication equipment, all of which should be checked as [...]

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How does an electrician provide a quote for maintenance?

By |2022-06-08T11:09:08+08:00June 8, 2022||

In part, it comes down to how complex your electrical system is. The electrician will visit your property and get a sense of approximately how much wiring, outlets, and surge protectors need to be assessed. This can also be done based on building plans if available. They should be able [...]

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