The lifespan of an electric vehicle (EV) battery can vary widely depending on several factors, such as the make and model of the vehicle, driving habits, and the frequency and conditions of use.

In general, most EV batteries are designed to last for at least 8 to 10 years or more, with a total lifespan of around 100,000 to 200,000 miles. This can provide many years of reliable and efficient operation, with minimal maintenance required.

However, the lifespan of an EV battery can be impacted by several factors, such as the frequency and conditions of use, the temperature of the battery, and the charging habits of the driver. For example, charging the battery too frequently or to full capacity can reduce the lifespan of the battery, while driving in extreme temperatures can also impact battery performance and longevity.

To maximise the lifespan of an EV battery, it’s a good idea to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for battery care and maintenance and to use an efficient and reliable charging network. Additionally, choosing an EV with a high-quality battery and a long warranty can also provide peace of mind and help ensure long-term performance and reliability.